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As has been stated more times than can be counted, the Internet is *still* changing the way in which organizations communicate with their constituents and between themselves. My broad background has provided me with an excellent vantage point to discuss these issues. As you can see from the list below, many different types of groups have invited me to lecture, and I am happy to do so for your as well. Drop me a line if you would like me to make such a presentation to your organization.

The Straight Dope on Small Business Web Sites
The Harris Group Brown Bag Workshop
October 27, 2003

Building a Website: Tips, Traps & Tools
The Harris Group Brown Bag Workshop
September 23, 2003

Data Quality Issues in Associations
Foundation for International Meetings
May 5, 2003

Security in Telecom & Ecommerce
SABIT Program - U.S. Department of Commerce
May 31, 2002

Jeff Pasternack and Raghu Rao, president of InfoZen, lectured to a delegation of telecom executives from the New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union who were seeking knowledge about the role of security in telecom and Ecommerce. Mr. Rao led the discussion with a broad introduction to security and we offered suggestions to specific delegation members as to different security solutions that are worthy of investigation for their businesses.

Lifelong Learning Center: Beta Release
Institute of Management Accountants
March 24, 2002

DCG and InfoZen have been working on a collaborative commerce Web site for the Institute of Management Accountants since September 2001. The beta version of the site was demonstrated for 300+ meeting attendees. The site went live in June 2002 and DCG continues to provide consulting services and program support.

Actionable Steps Derived from Customer & Market Data
Physician Insurers Association of America
March 22, 2002

The medical malpractice industry is in turmoil as a result of decisions made by physicians and insurers nearly a decade ago. This hearty presentation combined aspects of knowledge and customer relationship management with marketing and data mining, served with a light dose of database architecture on the side.

Partnering and Cooperation to Attract Business & Investment
270Tech IT Forum
March 7, 2002

Jeff Pasternack served on a panel discussion about the pros and cons of forming partnerships to go after business opportunities. Discussion points ranged from formally structured processes involving teaming agreements to handshake deals and the perils of both.

Security in Ecommerce
AMBIT Program - U.S. Department of Commerce
November 14, 2001

Raghu Rao, president of InfoZen, and Jeff Pasternack lectured to a delegation of Irish entrepreneurs who were seeking knowledge about the role of security in Ecommerce. Mr. Rao led the discussion with a broad introduction to security and we offered suggestions to specific delegation members as to different security solutions that are worthy of investigation for their businesses.

The Value of Integrated Searching Across Disparate Databases
Greater Washington Society of Association Executives/Foundation for
International Meetings Global Expo 2001
October 4, 2001

Jeff Pasternack was part of a panel discussion and spoke about how to connect disparate databases by using middleware and then conducting an integrated search for the purposes of defining a target market. Being able to perform an integrated search across all an organization's databases is the only way to capture a true sense of a member's behavior.

Internet Connectivity & How to Select a Web Design Firm
Medical Society of Washington, DC
September 19, 2001

This joint presentation between DCG and Yadir Ruiz from Digital Silk Communications covered two distinct areas: choices for connecting to the Internet and how to select a Web design vendor. Attending physicians and their staff were treated to a realistic discussion of the collapsing telecom and technology markets and provided with an array of decision support and strategy tools for selecting an Internet service provider and a Web design firm.

The Internet & CyberMedicine: Information, Productivity and Marketing
Indiana State Medical Association
September 15, 2000

This day-long continuing education program was delivered to physicians seeking an introduction to the role of the Internet in healthcare; the electronic distribution of medical information and; Web-based productivity and marketing tools.

The Internet & CyberMedicine: Information and Liability
Maryland State Medical Society
September 8, 2000

This was a joint presentation with Randi Kopf of Kopf HealthLaw. The topics included a basic introduction to the sources of medical information available to patients on the Internet and how physicians can cope with patients who bring such information into the physician as if it were the same as a second opinion.

XML: Data, Data Everywhere
Executive Forum from the Alliance for Healthcare Strategy and Marketing
August 14, 2000

This program provided healthcare executives with an introduction to eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and how it will be used to facilitate data exchanges between organizations.

The Internet & CyberMedicine: Marketing & Productivity
Innova Health System
March 9, 2000

This program was tailored to introduce interns and residents to the vagaries of using the Internet to market medical practices.

The Internet & CyberMedicine: Marketing & Productivity
Medical Society of Washington, D.C
February 22, 2000

This lecture was delivered to physicians seeking an introduction to the role of the Internet in marketing medical practices and included such topics as email marketing, Web-based patient surveys and intake forms.

Healthcare and the Internet: A Patient's Perspective
Medical Society of Washington, D.C
February 8, 2000

This program was presented to physicians seeking an introduction to the role of the Internet in healthcare and how to work with patients who are bringing in material printed from a variety of Web sites.

Healthcare and the Internet: A Patient's Perspective
Faquier County Medical and Dental Societies
October 17, 1999

This program was delivered to physicians seeking an introduction to the role of the Internet in healthcare and how to work with patients who are bringing in material printed from a variety of Web sites.

Jeff Pasternack is The TechnoPeasant. If you have questions about technology or comments about this column, please write to him at These articles may not be re-used or reprinted without the author's written consent. © Dynamic Consulting Group, LLC.1998-2005.